Virabhadrasana One can tweak the sacroiliac joint, hip, knee and/or ankle. Try these simple adjustments to create dynamic strength.
W1 can tweak the sacroiliac joint, hip, knee and/or ankle. Try these simple adjustments to create dynamic...
A testament to the importance and the impressive power that the humanistic component of clinical practice has in the treatment of acute and chronic pain.
Let's be clear: Catastrophizing is not a word.
That doesn't stop us from doing it. We all catastrophize when we experience pain or fear.
I didn't know that regular people could actively thrive for 30+ years without an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). Professional athletes with kickass professional therapy support, yes, but normal people?
Three decades ago, my orthopedists were clear that I would not be able to live an active,...
If your physical therapy isn't helping, try a different physical therapist (or 3 or 4) before you give up. Just like the teachers you had in school, some are better than others and each has their specialty.
For example, let's say you've been experiencing sacroiliac joint discomfort. Consider...
"Feeling better" is nice but it may be an illusion, indicating just a temporary improvement.
"Getting better" means:
You understand what aggravates symptoms
You understand what helps
You are an active participant in your recovery and rehabilitation
You move more frequently with greater...
Change requires action. Most of us have become experts at psyching ourselves out yet we hardly even realize when or how it’s happening.
Following is a partial list of various mental states that lead to paralysis, inaction and delayed healing:
1. THE COMPLAINING GAME - Complaining is so much...
You probably know you should drink more water but maybe you don't remember exactly why.
Hearing that "your life depends on it" is just vague enough for most of us to be able to ignore it.
So allow me to remind you of some of the relevant ways in which water is the elixir of life and how it is...
Breathing matters more than everything else when addressing chronic pain. If we don't breathe, we die. But what if we breathe too much or too little? Then what happens? A lot of very significant things happen because every single one of your bodily functions is tied in to breathing.
According to the Advanced Physical Therapy Institute, Canadian patients who received medical imaging results "had more doctor visits, longer-lasting pain, more disability and a lower sense of well-being".
Regarding back pain, MRI's show people with back pain with no musculoskeletal problems and...
“Low back pain is the single leading cause of disability worldwide”[1]
Back pain affects 8 out of 10 people at some point in their lives [2], and on average health care expenditures for individuals with back pain have been estimated to be about 60% higher than those without.[3]...
Many of us hold stress in our neck and upper back/shoulder area and so let’s explore into the trapezius, rhomboids and muscles of the upper back. Yoga Tune Up Fitness® is an effective “next step” for yogis, athletes, manual therapists and anyone looking to "live better in...
Did you know that your head weighs 10-12 pounds or about the same as a bowling ball?
“For every inch of forward head posture, it can increase the weight of the head on the spine by an additional 10 pounds.” ~Kapandji, Physiology of Joints, Volume 3.