YOU *CAN* DO IT back management back pain backpain modic changes Aug 15, 2023

Today I'd like to propose breaking away from some wording habits which may not be serving us anymore, myself included of course.


The words we choose to move through life with inform our brain about what's to come and how to react.


This means that what you say can either make your...

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SPINAL DECOMPRESSION, PART 2 back pain back pain exercises back pain relief back rehab back stretches back traction degenerative disc disease low back pain low back pain relief modic changes spinal fusion spondy spondylolisthesis stenosis Nov 01, 2021

My friend and colleague, Dr. Jerome Fryer, in British Columbia has conducted a pilot study on loading and unloading the spine using a seated spinal decompression technique. He has graciously given me permission to reprint (and reword) one of his recent blog articles, relating to his...

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