SUGAR, INFLAMMATION AND BACK PAIN antiinflammatory diet back pain relief backfitpro backpain chronic pain inflammation low back pain spondy spondylitis spondylolisthesis sugar tune up fitness yoga tune up Mar 24, 2022

Chances are that if your back (or any other body part) hurts, you’ve got some inflammation happening.

When working well, inflammation is a wonderful, natural process that helps your body to heal injuries.

If inflammation sticks around for too long or when your inflammatory system becomes...

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HOW DO YOU KNOW IF YOU'RE INFLAMED? antiinflammatory back pain backfitpro chronic low back pain chronic pain ddd degenerative disc disease inflammation low back pain nutrition spondy spondylolisthesis therapy balls tune up fitness Mar 12, 2022

I was recently speaking with one of my 1:1 clients about inflammation when she stopped me mid-sentence to insist that she definitely doesn't have inflammation because when she "gets a cut, it heals quickly".


Inflammation is actually referred to as The Silent Killer...


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WHAT'S A BACKFITPRO? back pain relief back rehab back stretches backfitpro backpain degenerative disc disease disc herniation herniated disc low back pain low back pain relief retrain back pain spinal fusion spinal fusion rehab spondy spondylolisthesis stenosis Oct 24, 2021

I don't flash my credentials around much. But it might be helpful to lay out the groundwork for where I'm coming from in order to understand why Retrain Back Pain is proving to be so successful.

I've been working in nutrition and therapeutic fitness for twenty-two years. I may have met some of...

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FIVE STAR REVIEWS back pain back pain relief backfitpro dinneen viggiano retrain back pain self-care therapy balls tune up fitness yoga tune up Jun 29, 2019

I'm excited to be back at YogaWorks teaching Yoga Tune Up® for Self-Care classes.

Join me Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:15 to 3:30 at YogaWorks Soho

It's 75 minutes! We've been kevetching about the 60 minute format for quite some time so I hope you can come enjoy our new 75...

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RE-BREATHING: HOW (NOT) TO BELLY BREATHE asana back pain back rehab backfitpro belly breathing breathing core exercise low back pain therapy balls tune up fitness yoga yogic breathing Feb 07, 2019

Belly breathing is great, but only sometimes. Over time there are some negative repercussions from always breathing in to your belly.


Belly breathing is great, but only sometimes. Over time there are some negative repercussions from always...

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RETRAIN BACK PAINĀ® VIDEO WARRIOR ONE RE-DO acl aclr back pain relief back rehab backfitpro knee rehab low back exercises low back pain relief pilates for back pain therapy balls tune up fitness virabadrasana warrior 1 warrior one yoga yoga asana yoga for back pain Feb 04, 2018

Virabhadrasana One can tweak the sacroiliac joint, hip, knee and/or ankle. Try these simple adjustments to create dynamic strength.


W1 can tweak the sacroiliac joint, hip, knee and/or ankle. Try these simple adjustments to create dynamic...

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LOOK MA, NO ACL! acl acl rehab aclr back pain backfitpro knee rehab kneehab meniscus retrain back pain spinal surgery surgery therapy balls tune up fitness yoga tune up Jan 30, 2018

I didn't know that regular people could actively thrive for 30+ years without an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). Professional athletes with kickass professional therapy support, yes, but normal people?

Three decades ago, my orthopedists were clear that I would not be able to live an active,...

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FEELING BETTER VS. GETTING BETTER back pain back pain exercises back pain relief back rehab back stretches backfitpro causes of low back pain low back pain low back pain relief lower back pain retrain back pain stretching for lower back pain Jan 03, 2018

"Feeling better" is nice but it may be an illusion, indicating just a temporary improvement.

"Getting better" means:

  1. You understand what aggravates symptoms

  2. You understand what helps

  3. You are an active participant in your recovery and rehabilitation

  4. You move more frequently with greater...

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