Oct 24, 2021I don't flash my credentials around much. But it might be helpful to lay out the groundwork for where I'm coming from in order to understand why Retrain Back Pain is proving to be so successful.
I've been working in nutrition and therapeutic fitness for twenty-two years. I may have met some of you through my early days as a yoga teacher trainer, through nutrition counseling or through Tune Up Fitness, but since 2011, I've been specialized in learning all I can about back injury management, particularly as it pertains to spondylolisthesis, for which there are surprisingly scant resources.
My back problems kicked in to high gear in 2010, shortly after the death of my mother and about three or four years after I became a mother myself. My diagnoses were complex and I was exasperated with how disjointed (and unhelpful) the back industry was. Despite seeing dozens of clinicians in New York City, I couldn't find the relief, the answers nor the education I felt I needed to take the best possible care of myself.
So I set about creating the program I wished had been there for me, studying with the best of the best in many fields: Anatomy, Functional Training, Nutrition, Recovery, Strength and Conditioning, Pilates, Therapeutic Self-Massage, Yoga Therapy, Breathing, Osteopathic Massage, NeuroImmunity, Neurokinetics, Craniosacral, Kinesiology and Biomechanics, just to name a few.
Really, what I did was create my own interdisciplinary masters program for low back pain. I studied with the smartest, heaviest hitters at the top of their industry specializations and then I pieced together everything I learned to share it back out with you via Retrain Back Pain online course(s) and one-to-one coaching.
In 2018 I had the opportunity to train with Dr. Stuart McGill, Dr. Ed Cambridge and Joel Proskewitz for the Backfitpro training at the University of British Columbia.
🧐 Dr. McGill, is a professor emeritus, University of Waterloo, where he was a professor for 32 years. He is the foremost back rehab expert in N. America. He’s published 324 peer-reviewed studies on low back disorders & has been cited over 21,000 times in back research
🧐 Dr. Cambridge is a Canadian PHD clinician-specialist in hip and spine rehab
🧐Joel Proskewitz is a Backfitpro strength and conditioning pro in London with unique expertise in pre- and post- surgical spondylolisthesis
👉🏼 Backfitpros are trained in Foundations for a Pain-Free Back, Comprehensive Manual Assessment and Enhancing Performance
We can
- spot red flags
- make referrals
- identify movements, postures and loads that are potential pain triggers
- create remedial core stabilization programs
- understand, translate and apply lumbar spine function and injury mechanisms
- apply functional anatomy cross training principles
- conduct thorough client intake histories
- prevent and desensitize low back pain
- coach corrective movement patterns
- create customized progressive/regressive exercise programs to meet individual client needs
⭐️The Retrain Back Pain program focuses a bit less in the biomechanics as we reframe and retrain your mental-emotional biases, optimize nutrition to reduce inflammation, revise ALL of your activities of daily living and we incorporate innovative, interdisciplinary pain relief solutions, using breath, mindset, food, supplements, therapeutic self-massage, stretching, strengthening + other neuro-emotional-immune tactics.
Send me an email to see if Retrain Back Pain is right for you and to set up a free thirty minute consult. Dinneen