DOES POSTURE MATTER? anterolisthesis back pain back pain relief ergonomics low back pain retrolisthesis sitting sitting posture spinal fusion spine spondy spondylitis spondylolisthesis wfh Jan 28, 2022

Reprinted, with permission, from my Australian colleague, Dr. Andrew Locke.

Dr. Andrew's response to the question "Does posture matter?" was intended for the professionals spewing nonsense all over social media on this topic.

Instead of re-writing the whole shebang, I've just added a few [notes...

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LOW BACK PAIN: HOW TO GET A DIAGNOSIS back exercises back pain back rehab back stretches degenerative disc disease herniated disc holistic health low back pain lumbar fusion natural health spine spondy spondylolisthesis stenosis Sep 27, 2021

Is there anything worse than being in pain and having to run around, trying to find someone who can help you figure out why you're in pain?!

The fact that so many people are struggling at navigating the same healthcare maze for back pain drives me bonkers. It's like we are all...

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USE YOUR TONGUE TO RELIEVE BACK PAIN back pain back rehab breathing mewing posture spine tongue position Sep 30, 2020


Five years ago I taught a workshop that included head, neck, jaw and tongue positioning for optimal spine health.

Minds were blown

After the workshop I felt I had “over-reached” and I vowed to mute that schpiel until “later” because it seemed to...

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AXIAL LOADING back exercises back pain farmers carry grip osteopenia prevent osteoporosis retrainbackpain spine spondy spondylolisthesis strengthen back Jan 30, 2019


a.k.a. “The Farmers Carry”

Loading the spine means adding weight to the head or shoulders

Carrying weight this way loads the shoulders, which then load the spine

It teaches your postural muscles how to resist collapsing, thereby fortifying your supporting back and...

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CAN YOU BE TOO FLEXIBLE? back pain disc herniation flexibility flexible spine spondylolisthesis yoga yoga anatomy Dec 08, 2018

What you're looking at is an x-ray of an individual in an extreme pose of spinal extension. I don't know the individual or their medical history.

It begs the question: Can you be too flexible? Let's see...

Contortionists, gymnasts, dancers, yogis, all of these athletes excel at their sport...

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HYDRATE YOUR SPINE hydrate your spine lower back pain nutrition for back pain retrain back pain spine spine movement spondy spondylolisthesis Dec 20, 2017

You probably know you should drink more water but maybe you don't remember exactly why.

Hearing that "your life depends on it" is just vague enough for most of us to be able to ignore it.

So allow me to remind you of some of the relevant ways in which water is the elixir of life and how it is...

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