TOP TEN QUESTIONS (AND ANSWERS) ABOUT SPONDYLOLISTHESIS back pain back rehab retrainbackpain spondy spondylolisthesis Feb 10, 2020

1. What is spondylolisthesis?

Spondylolisthesis refers to slippage (usually forward) of a vertebra relative to the vertebra below it. The Greek root spondylo means spine, and listhesis means to slip or slide.

2. What is “Spondy” and how is it different from...

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HOW MUCH SLEEP DO I REALLY NEED? low back pain relief recommended sleep retrainbackpain sleep Jan 24, 2020

Your body needs sleep to repair and recover. If you aren't getting the recommended amount of sleep, let's talk, I can help you to establish better sleep hygiene. It's estimated that 40% of Americans aren't getting the recommended amount of sleep.

Adults should aim to get 7-9 hours of...

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AXIAL LOADING back exercises back pain farmers carry grip osteopenia prevent osteoporosis retrainbackpain spine spondy spondylolisthesis strengthen back Jan 30, 2019


a.k.a. “The Farmers Carry”

Loading the spine means adding weight to the head or shoulders

Carrying weight this way loads the shoulders, which then load the spine

It teaches your postural muscles how to resist collapsing, thereby fortifying your supporting back and...

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