USE YOUR TONGUE TO RELIEVE BACK PAIN back pain back rehab breathing mewing posture spine tongue position Sep 30, 2020


Five years ago I taught a workshop that included head, neck, jaw and tongue positioning for optimal spine health.

Minds were blown

After the workshop I felt I had “over-reached” and I vowed to mute that schpiel until “later” because it seemed to...

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BELLY COMPRESSION WITH LONGER EXHALES abdominal adhesions anxiety back pain breathing coregeous rehabilitation self-massage therapy balls vagus nerve yoga tune up Mar 29, 2020


There's so many good reasons to exhale longer and there's so many reasons to touch your belly, that really, each could be it's own post.

But given all the brouhaha in my boy's tummy lately, post-appendix rupture, we are pulling out all the stops for a...

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WORD CLOUDING RBP back exercises back rehab back stretches breathing low back pain nutrition physical therapy for back pain retrain back pain yoga for back pain Jul 26, 2019

What is Retrain Back Pain®?

RBP introduces users to a plethora of self-care skills which originate from multiple treatment disciplines. This program pulls some of the best practices from each of the therapeutic disciplines listed above.

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RE-BREATHING: HOW (NOT) TO BELLY BREATHE asana back pain back rehab backfitpro belly breathing breathing core exercise low back pain therapy balls tune up fitness yoga yogic breathing Feb 07, 2019

Belly breathing is great, but only sometimes. Over time there are some negative repercussions from always breathing in to your belly.


Belly breathing is great, but only sometimes. Over time there are some negative repercussions from always...

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BREATHING MATTERS back pain back pain exercises back pain relief back rehab back stretches backfit breath breathing low back pain relief lower back pain retrain back pain stretching for lower back pain therapy balls tune up fitness Oct 31, 2017

Breathing matters more than everything else when addressing chronic pain. If we don't breathe, we die. But what if we breathe too much or too little? Then what happens? A lot of very significant things happen because every single one of your bodily functions is tied in to breathing.


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