HOW TO MANAGE OVERWHELM IF YOU'RE IN PAIN back pain back rehab back relief back surgery lower back pain pain spondy spondylolisthesis stenosis May 07, 2022

If you've got back pain, OVERWHELM can be a significant barrier to your recovery.

M.V.A. is your ticket to ride.

I’ll explain what M.V.A. stands for in a sec, right after I tell you about Bob.


I recently saw Bob, who is eighty-six.

I'm always impressed by Bob; he’s active,...

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THE SPINAL FUSION SCAM back pain back pain relief back surgery low back pain spinal fusion spondy spondylolisthesis spondylolysis Jun 21, 2019

Lumbar fusion surgeries have increased 62.3%* since 2015.

Why? There are no checks and balances in the medical industry. This spinal fusion scam involves blatant workers comp fraud, $25k kickbacks to unscrupulous surgeons to perform fusions and counterfeit hardware that’s made in a...

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