BELLY COMPRESSION WITH LONGER EXHALES abdominal adhesions anxiety back pain breathing coregeous rehabilitation self-massage therapy balls vagus nerve yoga tune up Mar 29, 2020


There's so many good reasons to exhale longer and there's so many reasons to touch your belly, that really, each could be it's own post.

But given all the brouhaha in my boy's tummy lately, post-appendix rupture, we are pulling out all the stops for a...

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TOP TEN QUESTIONS (AND ANSWERS) ABOUT SPONDYLOLISTHESIS back pain back rehab retrainbackpain spondy spondylolisthesis Feb 10, 2020

1. What is spondylolisthesis?

Spondylolisthesis refers to slippage (usually forward) of a vertebra relative to the vertebra below it. The Greek root spondylo means spine, and listhesis means to slip or slide.

2. What is “Spondy” and how is it different from...

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DEMYSTIFYING PAIN SENSATIONS back pain back rehab biopsychosocial low back pain pain retrain back pain Dec 12, 2019

Photo: Art by Christos Barbalis

Do-at-home, no-equipment-needed, non-invasive therapeutic skills are indispensable for effectively managing stress, anxiety, exercise burnout, pain and more.

The following three self-care skills and accompanying practices will help you understand and...

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HOW TO HANDLE A BAD BACK back injury back pain back rehab bad back injury recovery low back pain Sep 05, 2019

This is a reprint, with permission, written by Phil Greenfield on his Facebook page. If we all approached our injuries in this manner, the outcomes would be very different.

You can keep up with Phil on his Facebook page by clicking here.


There’s nothing so...

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VIDEO: HERNIATED DISC back pain back pain exercises back pain relief back rehab back stretches back traction causes of low back pain low back pain low back pain relief lower back pain retrain back pain stretching for lower back pain Aug 16, 2019

A herniated disc occurs when the outer portion of a spinal disc breaks down and the inner portion leaks out. The inner portion of the disc that extrudes can then irritate or compress nearby nerves, causing radiating pain.

Thank you to for this video ...

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FIVE STAR REVIEWS back pain back pain relief backfitpro dinneen viggiano retrain back pain self-care therapy balls tune up fitness yoga tune up Jun 29, 2019

I'm excited to be back at YogaWorks teaching Yoga Tune Up® for Self-Care classes.

Join me Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:15 to 3:30 at YogaWorks Soho

It's 75 minutes! We've been kevetching about the 60 minute format for quite some time so I hope you can come enjoy our new 75...

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THE SPINAL FUSION SCAM back pain back pain relief back surgery low back pain spinal fusion spondy spondylolisthesis spondylolysis Jun 21, 2019

Lumbar fusion surgeries have increased 62.3%* since 2015.

Why? There are no checks and balances in the medical industry. This spinal fusion scam involves blatant workers comp fraud, $25k kickbacks to unscrupulous surgeons to perform fusions and counterfeit hardware that’s made in a...

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START HERE: SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS back back pain back pain exercises back pain relief back rehab back stretches back traction causes of low back pain low back pain low back pain relief lower back pain retrain back pain stretching for lower back pain Jun 13, 2019


Smart self-inquiry is key for identifying why your back hurts. The following questions may serve to identify helpful behavior modifications and possible treatment options.

1. Does the pain change in intensity?

  • If you wake up in pain or it worsens throughout...
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RE-BREATHING: HOW (NOT) TO BELLY BREATHE asana back pain back rehab backfitpro belly breathing breathing core exercise low back pain therapy balls tune up fitness yoga yogic breathing Feb 07, 2019

Belly breathing is great, but only sometimes. Over time there are some negative repercussions from always breathing in to your belly.


Belly breathing is great, but only sometimes. Over time there are some negative repercussions from always...

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AXIAL LOADING back exercises back pain farmers carry grip osteopenia prevent osteoporosis retrainbackpain spine spondy spondylolisthesis strengthen back Jan 30, 2019


a.k.a. “The Farmers Carry”

Loading the spine means adding weight to the head or shoulders

Carrying weight this way loads the shoulders, which then load the spine

It teaches your postural muscles how to resist collapsing, thereby fortifying your supporting back and...

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SIDE SQUATS ARE BETTER THAN SIDE PLANKS back exercises back pain back pain exercises back rehab core exercise core strength hip exercises hip strength low back pain mcgill big 3 retrain back pain squat Jan 09, 2019
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#HINGECRINGE back pain back rehabilitation backbend danurasana retrain back pain spinal hinge yoga Jan 08, 2019


Look around Instagram, it’s full of lithe bodies in exotic locations doing extraordinary things with their bodies.

In this photo (google image: “free to use and share”), our model is not back-bending as much as she is hinge-ing in one place. That same place...

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