VIDEO: HERNIATED DISC back pain back pain exercises back pain relief back rehab back stretches back traction causes of low back pain low back pain low back pain relief lower back pain retrain back pain stretching for lower back pain Aug 16, 2019

A herniated disc occurs when the outer portion of a spinal disc breaks down and the inner portion leaks out. The inner portion of the disc that extrudes can then irritate or compress nearby nerves, causing radiating pain.

Thank you to for this video ...

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WORD CLOUDING RBP back exercises back rehab back stretches breathing low back pain nutrition physical therapy for back pain retrain back pain yoga for back pain Jul 26, 2019

What is Retrain Back Pain®?

RBP introduces users to a plethora of self-care skills which originate from multiple treatment disciplines. This program pulls some of the best practices from each of the therapeutic disciplines listed above.

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FIVE STAR REVIEWS back pain back pain relief backfitpro dinneen viggiano retrain back pain self-care therapy balls tune up fitness yoga tune up Jun 29, 2019

I'm excited to be back at YogaWorks teaching Yoga Tune Up® for Self-Care classes.

Join me Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:15 to 3:30 at YogaWorks Soho

It's 75 minutes! We've been kevetching about the 60 minute format for quite some time so I hope you can come enjoy our new 75...

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START HERE: SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS back back pain back pain exercises back pain relief back rehab back stretches back traction causes of low back pain low back pain low back pain relief lower back pain retrain back pain stretching for lower back pain Jun 13, 2019


Smart self-inquiry is key for identifying why your back hurts. The following questions may serve to identify helpful behavior modifications and possible treatment options.

1. Does the pain change in intensity?

  • If you wake up in pain or it worsens throughout...
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SIDE SQUATS ARE BETTER THAN SIDE PLANKS back exercises back pain back pain exercises back rehab core exercise core strength hip exercises hip strength low back pain mcgill big 3 retrain back pain squat Jan 09, 2019
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#HINGECRINGE back pain back rehabilitation backbend danurasana retrain back pain spinal hinge yoga Jan 08, 2019


Look around Instagram, it’s full of lithe bodies in exotic locations doing extraordinary things with their bodies.

In this photo (google image: “free to use and share”), our model is not back-bending as much as she is hinge-ing in one place. That same place...

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CAN DISC HERNIATIONS HEAL? back pain disc herniation extrusion low back pain retrain back pain Sep 09, 2018



It is high time to retrain the misinformation pipe line regarding back pain! Today let’s look at hermiations


Disc herniations are common

Despite imaging results, disc herniations are often found in asymptomatic individuals

This may not be a consolation if...

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A SELF-STUDY IN CATASTROPHIZING back pain back pain exercises back pain relief back rehab back stretches back traction causes of low back pain low back pain low back pain relief lower back pain retrain back pain stretching for lower back pain Jan 31, 2018

A testament to the importance and the impressive power that the humanistic component of clinical practice has in the treatment of acute and chronic pain.

Let's be clear: Catastrophizing is not a word.

That doesn't stop us from doing it. We all catastrophize when we experience pain or fear.


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LOOK MA, NO ACL! acl acl rehab aclr back pain backfitpro knee rehab kneehab meniscus retrain back pain spinal surgery surgery therapy balls tune up fitness yoga tune up Jan 30, 2018

I didn't know that regular people could actively thrive for 30+ years without an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). Professional athletes with kickass professional therapy support, yes, but normal people?

Three decades ago, my orthopedists were clear that I would not be able to live an active,...

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DOES PHYSICAL THERAPY WORK? back pain back pain exercises back pain relief back rehab back stretches back traction causes of low back pain low back pain low back pain relief lower back pain retrain back pain stretching for lower back pain Jan 09, 2018

If your physical therapy isn't helping, try a different physical therapist (or 3 or 4) before you give up. Just like the teachers you had in school, some are better than others and each has their specialty.

For example, let's say you've been experiencing sacroiliac joint discomfort. Consider...

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FEELING BETTER VS. GETTING BETTER back pain back pain exercises back pain relief back rehab back stretches backfitpro causes of low back pain low back pain low back pain relief lower back pain retrain back pain stretching for lower back pain Jan 03, 2018

"Feeling better" is nice but it may be an illusion, indicating just a temporary improvement.

"Getting better" means:

  1. You understand what aggravates symptoms

  2. You understand what helps

  3. You are an active participant in your recovery and rehabilitation

  4. You move more frequently with greater...

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10 MIND GAMES WRECKING YOUR RECOVERY (& HOW TO OVERRIDE THEM) back pain back pain exercises back pain relief back rehab back stretches low back pain relief lower back pain retrain back pain stretching for lower back pain therapy balls tune up fitness yoga tune up Dec 30, 2017

Change requires action. Most of us have become experts at psyching ourselves out yet we hardly even realize when or how it’s happening.

Following is a partial list of various mental states that lead to paralysis, inaction and delayed healing:

1. THE COMPLAINING GAME - Complaining is so much...

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