DOSAGE, BABY, DOSAGE! back exercises back rehab degenerated disc herniated disc low back pain retrain back pain spondy spondylolisthesis stenosis Sep 30, 2020


Are you over-protecting your injury? Or do you find yourself over-doing it and then suffering recurring setbacks?

Both are quite common.

One day you may be feeling like “Everything hurts” (overprotecting) then suddenly you feel like “I haven’t felt this good...

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HIP HINGE back pain back rehab bulging disc degenerated disc glutes herniated disc hip hinge hips posture spondy spondylolisthesis squat stenosis Sep 10, 2020
  • For anyone rehabbing back pain, the hip hinge is without a doubt one of the top movements to master!

  • The hinge, when done well, drives flexion and extension through your mighty glute muscles, sparing your back.

    When you think about it, you probably hinge about 100 times a day....moving from...

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TOP TEN QUESTIONS (AND ANSWERS) ABOUT SPONDYLOLISTHESIS back pain back rehab retrainbackpain spondy spondylolisthesis Feb 10, 2020

1. What is spondylolisthesis?

Spondylolisthesis refers to slippage (usually forward) of a vertebra relative to the vertebra below it. The Greek root spondylo means spine, and listhesis means to slip or slide.

2. What is “Spondy” and how is it different from...

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DEMYSTIFYING PAIN SENSATIONS back pain back rehab biopsychosocial low back pain pain retrain back pain Dec 12, 2019

Photo: Art by Christos Barbalis

Do-at-home, no-equipment-needed, non-invasive therapeutic skills are indispensable for effectively managing stress, anxiety, exercise burnout, pain and more.

The following three self-care skills and accompanying practices will help you understand and...

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HOW TO HANDLE A BAD BACK back injury back pain back rehab bad back injury recovery low back pain Sep 05, 2019

This is a reprint, with permission, written by Phil Greenfield on his Facebook page. If we all approached our injuries in this manner, the outcomes would be very different.

You can keep up with Phil on his Facebook page by clicking here.


There’s nothing so...

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VIDEO: HERNIATED DISC back pain back pain exercises back pain relief back rehab back stretches back traction causes of low back pain low back pain low back pain relief lower back pain retrain back pain stretching for lower back pain Aug 16, 2019

A herniated disc occurs when the outer portion of a spinal disc breaks down and the inner portion leaks out. The inner portion of the disc that extrudes can then irritate or compress nearby nerves, causing radiating pain.

Thank you to for this video ...

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WORD CLOUDING RBP back exercises back rehab back stretches breathing low back pain nutrition physical therapy for back pain retrain back pain yoga for back pain Jul 26, 2019

What is Retrain Back Pain®?

RBP introduces users to a plethora of self-care skills which originate from multiple treatment disciplines. This program pulls some of the best practices from each of the therapeutic disciplines listed above.

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START HERE: SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS back back pain back pain exercises back pain relief back rehab back stretches back traction causes of low back pain low back pain low back pain relief lower back pain retrain back pain stretching for lower back pain Jun 13, 2019


Smart self-inquiry is key for identifying why your back hurts. The following questions may serve to identify helpful behavior modifications and possible treatment options.

1. Does the pain change in intensity?

  • If you wake up in pain or it worsens throughout...
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RE-BREATHING: HOW (NOT) TO BELLY BREATHE asana back pain back rehab backfitpro belly breathing breathing core exercise low back pain therapy balls tune up fitness yoga yogic breathing Feb 07, 2019

Belly breathing is great, but only sometimes. Over time there are some negative repercussions from always breathing in to your belly.


Belly breathing is great, but only sometimes. Over time there are some negative repercussions from always...

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SIDE SQUATS ARE BETTER THAN SIDE PLANKS back exercises back pain back pain exercises back rehab core exercise core strength hip exercises hip strength low back pain mcgill big 3 retrain back pain squat Jan 09, 2019
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RETRAIN BACK PAINĀ® VIDEO WARRIOR ONE RE-DO acl aclr back pain relief back rehab backfitpro knee rehab low back exercises low back pain relief pilates for back pain therapy balls tune up fitness virabadrasana warrior 1 warrior one yoga yoga asana yoga for back pain Feb 04, 2018

Virabhadrasana One can tweak the sacroiliac joint, hip, knee and/or ankle. Try these simple adjustments to create dynamic strength.


W1 can tweak the sacroiliac joint, hip, knee and/or ankle. Try these simple adjustments to create dynamic...

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A SELF-STUDY IN CATASTROPHIZING back pain back pain exercises back pain relief back rehab back stretches back traction causes of low back pain low back pain low back pain relief lower back pain retrain back pain stretching for lower back pain Jan 31, 2018

A testament to the importance and the impressive power that the humanistic component of clinical practice has in the treatment of acute and chronic pain.

Let's be clear: Catastrophizing is not a word.

That doesn't stop us from doing it. We all catastrophize when we experience pain or fear.


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